Fried Pickles

It’s the week of the Super Bowl and we are dedicated to brining you Super Bowl inspired recipes! We’ll be bringing you some old recipes and a ton of new recipes to make your Super Bowl parties super incredible and filled with tasty food.

Our first recipe is one of the first recipes we ever posted and our first experience with fried food. We thought frying food was really intimidating but once you do it one or two times, it’s really is not that scary or hard. But we do recommending having a thermometer to know the temperature of your oil. It really truly helps. And just remember, every time you put something in the oil the oil temperature will drop. So, in between batches wait for your oil to reheat.

Fried pickles are the perfect way to start off your super bowl party. Who doesn’t love pickles? They’re tangy, they’re crunchy, they’re salty, and fried pickles are the perfect finger food. These are a must at all of our get togethers. So get on the pickle train, because it’s leaving for flavor town…wow that was incredibly awkward to write, I’m embarrassed. Click below for our scrumptious fried pickle recipe and save me from myself.

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Bacon Wrapped Goodness (Devils on Horseback)

Do you love Bacon? Silly question, everyone loves BACON. Okay, maybe not everyone… but in this house, WE LOVE BACON.

359We love Bacon on (or in) just about anything. Pancakes, French Toast, Cupcakes, Cheesecake (yeah, that happened and it was AMAZING) Salad, Jam, Bread, Biscuits…we could go on but you guys get the idea. BACON IS AWESOME.

the-most-interesting-man-in-the-world-meme-generator-i-don-t-always-eat-bacon-but-when-i-do-i-put-extra-bacon-on-my-bacon-1238c9For this recipe we are making Bacon Wrapped Dates! Also known as Devils on Horsebacks which date back all the way to Victorian England. This dish is normally served with Christmas dinner, but who said it could only be served at Christmas?

Again, you can’t go wrong here. Sweet? Good. Savory? Good. Dried Fruit? Good. Bacon? GOOD. Put it all together and you have a winning dish.

Now, don’t be scared but the main ingredient (besides, BACON) is dried prunes or dates. To some, that might seem unappealing, but trust us, it’s really good. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and savory.

What You Need

  • 1 baking sheet
  • Bacon (Thick Cut)
  • Dates/Prunes/Apricot (Really, it’s up to you and what you like, but prunes are the traditional choice*) We love Medjool dates.
  • Toothpicks

Step 1: 

Preheat the oven to 400°.

Step 2: 

If you’re using dates or prunes you must remove the pit first. Make a small incision and pop the pit out. Super easy.

Devils on Horseback

Step 3: 

Next take your Bacon and cut the pieces in halves. Easy!

Step 4: 

Take the Bacon piece and roll over your prune/date/apricot. Secure with a toothpick. Continue until you’ve finish, you may need two baking sheets depending on how many you make.

Devils on Horseback

Devils on Horseback

Devils on Horseback

Look at how cute our little kitchen helper is, she really loves BACON.

Step 5: 

Pop those suckers in the oven for about 20 minutes, but keep on eye on them. It all depends on how thick your bacon is, and how big the dried fruit is. For ours, it took about 20 minutes for the bacon to crisp up. Just keep an eye on them, until they’re crisped to your likeness.

Devils on Horseback

Step 6:

Once cooked, remove from oven and carefully remove the bacon wrapped goodness to a paper towel. Plate and eat them. You can take the toothpicks out if you want or use them as a means of eating it.

Devils on Horseback

*The first time we had these it was a mixture of prunes and apricots and you didn’t know which you were going to get. It’s a fun little surprise if using as an appetizer. If you got a prune it was a devil and if you got an apricot it was an angel.