Crate and Barrel FTW

These TwoYoungLadies absolutely love Crate and Barrel! We went to our local store yesterday and found some amazing finds.


The first thing in a beautiful french pastry slab. We really want to step out our photo game, and this beautiful slab of marble is going to help us.

The second thing is a strong pastry cutter. The worst thing ever is trying to cut butter into flour and your pastry cutter becomes wonky and out of whack.

After years of having a broken kitchen torch, we finally bought a new one. No more ghetto rigging the blow torch! (#dangerous)

And finally, a sugar duster. I mean, what kitchen doesn’t have a sugar duster?

Meet our TYL Mascot

This is Peaches the Boxer, she’s our honorary 3rd lady here at Two Young Ladies. She loves watching us cook and, of course, eating our scraps.

She enjoys attempting to get up close and personal with the food we make, and eating cheeseburgers.

Cheeseburger Love

She’s a dignified lady. Foodie

She’s happiest when hunks of meat are involved and she taste tests everything we make.Happy Girl

Hello world!

This is our very first post. We are super excited to share or recipes, pins and videos   with you. It’ll be a few weeks before our first video is up, but we will be sharing recipes with you until then. Some from our own recipe boxes, and some we’ve found from Pinterest.

We will always give credit where credit is due, and will never claim any recipes as our own, especially if we find them on Pinterest. We are just two girls cooking our way through Pinterest!

We love cooking and baking, and we want to show the world, it’s not as hard as you think. We all make mistakes, and we can’t guarantee every dish is going to look perfect, or even taste perfect, but you keep going anyway until it’s almost perfect, because lets be real, there is no such thing as perfection. And it’s better if we understand than now, instead of spending our lives striving to be something we’re not. Okay, serious moment over.

You can follow both Christie and myself on Pinterest and see what tickles our fancy.

Happy Cooking!